The "Moveable Feast" is an Illinois technology conference that gathers school personnel from across the state to share information about a diverse set of education technologies. It is the longest running education technology training program in Illinois. The "Feast" started over 10 years ago with the objective of providing relevant training to teachers, technologists, and administrators. Approximately 10,000 people have benefited from the program during its run. "Feast" collaborators include the University of Illinois College of Education, District 87 and several other Illinois school districts, and corporate sponsors like Microsoft and Discovery Education.

The "Geek Edition" of the "Feast" was held this week in Bloomington. Sessions covered topics ranging from content management, to software development, to SIF (of course!), and business intelligence. Another "Geek Edition" of the "Feast" will be held in Belleville in July. Following is a sampling of the sessions:
Schools Interoperability Framework*,
Moodle I & II,
Reporting and Business Intelligence*, Web Design & Scripting with PHP/AJAX, Beginning and Advanced Virtualization,
Data Warehousing*,
Joomla, and
SharePoint* Indicates one of my sessions
My thanks to Jim Peterson and Brian Adams for inviting Integrity to participate in the "Feast!"